Terms Of Use

Who We Are

Karma Kennedy develops, sells, and publishes products, services, as well as content for the web and mobile devices. “We”, “us” and “our” refer to Karma Kennedy, which means Karma Kennedy, its subsidiaries, parent companies, joint ventures, and other entities under common ownership and / or any of its representatives, “You” or “user(s)” refers to any person or entity that accesses, engages with, downloads, or otherwise has contact with our products, services, or online content. “Website” or “site” refers to the domains provided and operated by Karma Kennedy.

By accessing or using our products you agree to be bound by these Terms as well as agree that you have read these Terms and our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

The Terms Of Use applies whenever you interact with any of our products, services, online content or websites, including karmakennedy.com and /or other domains operated by Karma Kennedy.  This Terms of Use describes:

  • Limitation of Liability 
  • Disclaimers

Limitation of Liability and Disclaimers

You expressly understand and agree that neither Karma Kennedy or the Karma Kennedy Family of Brands will be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages arising from your use of any products, service, content, information, or materials included on or otherwise made available to you, or for any damages exceeding the amount paid for the specific item to which a claim for damages may arise.

This Site Does Not Provide Medical Advice

The content of the Karma Kennedy Family of Brands sites, including text, images, graphics, and any other material provided, is for informational purposes only.  The content on this site is not meant to be a substation for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Always seek the advice of a medical practitioner or other qualified health or wellness provider with any questions you may have about a medical or health related condition.